
Using remote Git hosting – Clone Git Repository

You can create a Git repository that will be a clone of a remote
repository. Go to Websites&Domains and click Git. If you have
already created Git repositories for your domain, click the Add
button. You will see the screen for creating a new

First, you have to select where your code is stored. In this scenario,
select Remote git hosting like GitHub or BitBucket.

Remote Git repository. Enter the path to your remote repository in
BitBucket or GitHub. You can enter it in either HTTPS or SSH format.
HTTP/HTTPS authentication is not supported, so you can use HTTP/HTTPS
protocol only if a repository does not require authentication. If a
private Git repository is used, you must authenticate with an SSH key
generated by Plesk (refer to Use SSH Connection
for details).

In the Your Website section, specify the following:

Click OK. Plesk will try to connect to the remote repository and
clone it.

After the progress dialog shows that the cloning has completed
successfully, the new repository will be displayed on the Git page.

The new repository will be displayed at Websites & Domains >
Git. The name of the remote repository will be used as a Git
repository name. You can rename the repository later (refer to the
Rename or Remove a Repository section).

The created repository is a clone of the remote repository and will be
used for pulling changes from it and deploying them to the target

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