
Installing Plesk for Linux in Unattended Mode

  1. Obtain the installer script

    Download the installer script:

    # wget

    Enable execution mode for the downloaded installer script:

    # chmod +x ./plesk-installer
  2. Launch the installer with necessary options

    To install Plesk without requiring any user input, run the installer
    script providing all the necessary information through the
    corresponding options:

    # sh ./plesk-installer install <RELEASE> <OPTIONS>

The following parameters are used to define the specific Plesk release
you wish to install.

Parameter Use Explanation
Product ID install plesk

‘plesk’ is the product ID for Plesk.

Install the recommended set of components of the latest
generally available release of Plesk:

# ./plesk-installer install plesk

If no product ID is specified explicitly, ‘plesk’ is used by

Release version install plesk 17.0.17

Specify the release by the exact release version.

# ./plesk-installer install plesk 17.0.17

Release ID install PLESK_17_0_17

Specify the release by the release ID.

# ./plesk-installer install PLESK_17_0_17

Use the list-all command to view all the available release IDs:

# ./plesk-installer list-all

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