Category Domains

EPP key

A code that contains a series of numbers, Extensible Provisioning Protocol keys or EPP keys are required to enable the transfer of domain from one registrar to another. Sometimes people also call the EPP key an authorization code. Transfer Secret…


It’s worth remembering that while the internet is not centralised, some aspects of the internet including internet infrastructure must be organised centrally in order for the internet to work smoothly. IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority was founded by the…


The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICANN in short, is a not for profit organization that co-ordinates the assignment of unique internet names and the IP address space. All devices connected to the internet requires an IP address…

NS Record

NS record ( Name Server Record ) is crucial to correct functioning of domain names. These kind of records are used to identify DNS server names and as a result, ensures the availability of the requested domain name. Whenever you…

PTR Record

PTR record ( a pointer record ) is the certain type of DNS record that resolves an IP address to a host name. Getting reverse DNS going is done by finding the PTR records in use by a DNS server.…


Subdomains are an element of the domain name system (DNS). With respect to DNS a subdomain is essentially a domain which is part of another, larger domain. Strictly speaking every domain on the internet is really a subdomain, with the…


Top-level domains (commonly known as TLDs) are the very last part of the domain name, the rightmost section after the last period. Every part of a full domain name is separated by periods, and the periods indicate a hierarchy in…

Transfer lock

A transfer lock is sometimes called a registrar lock or even a domain lock. In essence, the transfer lock is a way to prevent your domain from getting stolen or deleted. Just about every domain can be protected using the…

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