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E-Mail Migration Module for Plesk

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E-Mail Migration Module for Plesk

eXtro-media GbR

E-Mail Migration Module for Plesk

What this module does:

This module allows you to migrate your E-Mail messages from one account to another by making use of our SaaS service.

Let’s say you want to switch your domain from "" to "" , because you don’t like it anymore, or you sold it, etc. This also means that you cannot keep your email accounts like "[email protected]", but you already have your new Domain and new E-Mail account, so you can transfer all E-Mail messages from your old account to the new account at e.g. "[email protected]"

Now you could manually setup both E-Mail accounts on your local computer and copy the messages one by one from one account to the other – but this has several drawbacks.

  • First, if you have a DSL Line, your upstream (upload) speed is typically 5 to 10 times slower than your downstream (download) speed, which means that uploading the E-Mail messages will take 5 to 10 times longer than downloading them.
  • Second, using a DSL Line is generally much slower than using a datacenter connection, which can be 20 to 60 times faster than a normal DSL Line. Besides, datacenter connections are synchronous lines which means that up- and download have the same speed.
  • Trying this at home (or in office) will saturate your DSL Line for a very long time in which you cannot use it for other purposes.
  • If you want to transfer multiple E-Mail accounts, this will multiply the time needed for the transfer, i.e. longer unavailability of your Internet connection.
  • Timing can be quite difficult when doing this at home – if a particular E-Mail account needs to be transferred at 3AM, would you like to be the one who must stay up that long to manually copy the items?

These are good reasons to not try this at home.

This is how it works:

  • Select what kind of source and target account you are using (IMAP, Zimbra, Exchange, etc.)
  • Enter the required data in the respective fields (servername, E-Mail address, password, etc, for source and target)
  • Select a start date for the migration, optionally, select a resyncdate [*]
  • Submit the form – if all data are correct, the migration job will be created and securely transferred to one of our migration servers
  • At the selected time, the migration will start, and your email messages will be transferred
  • When the initial migration is complete, and if you have selected a resync date, the resync migration will start at the date you selected
  • When the initial migration and the optional resync migration are done, the migration has finished and your messages have been transferred

This module is a freemium module. This means that you can install it without active license. Without license, you can check out the migration process, 2 migrations are free.

By purchasing a license, you will receive more migrations. Please refer to the product page on the Plesk extension site about how many migrations you can get with which edition. Click on the button in the module’s main screen to get to the Plesk Extensions Shop. [**]

This module is compatible with Plesk (17.8.11 or higher) and works on Linux and Windows Server.

[*] To prevent unexpected start/resync dates, we do a timezone correction. Simply enter your start/resync date according to your local timezone, which is also displayed in the module. The module will automatically calculate the required timezone offset.

[**] Note that before installing a new license, you need to make sure that the old license has been registered (i.e. is listed in the Tab "License list") and you need to terminate the old license.

Install E-Mail Migration Module for Plesk extension

Hostname or IP or URL of your Plesk instance:

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