Do you need help with your paid marketing efforts so that you can grow your web hosting business? Well, never fear. Follow our six handy tips for paid marketing for web hosting businesses, and make your Cost-Per-Click campaign on Google Ads and other CPC programs a huge success.
1. Choose the right Pay-Per-Click platform

First, you’ve got to know your platforms and your audience. So that you can choose the most effective platform for you. Which platform does your audience use most? Are they actively searching Google, Yahoo! or Bing? Or are they spending more time browsing social media or professional networks like Facebook or LinkedIn?
Google may have the largest search volume, but LinkedIn and Facebook support targeting options. Each platform is different. Try out all the different options to find the channel that performs best for you. Don’t forget to consider your budget too. Maybe, for your budget, one channel makes more sense than another.
2. Utilize negative keywords

To run a positive campaign, you need negative keywords. Negative keywords ensure you don’t waste your time and resources targeting irrelevant markets. So take advantage of them. Add keywords unrelated to your product or service to your campaign. And filter out those costly clicks and traffic. See your average cost-per-click go down and help your click-through-rate go up by cutting out irrelevant traffic.
3. Know your campaign’s peak times

A little research goes a long way. Find out when your audience is most active. Then run your ads during this time. It makes sense, right? So adjust your campaign with user peak times in mind. Then use the Ad Scheduling tool to switch your Google campaign off and on at specific times. Increase your budget for peak times and decrease it for off-peak times for maximum success.
4. Create stand-out copy

If you want your ad to stand out, you need to bring in your greatest weapon – brilliant ad copy. This is what differentiates you from your competitors. Great ad copy makes you stand out in the advert crowd. You’ll naturally put in any relevant keywords and search terms. But try and add some eye-catching, funny or bold words to really call people to attention.
5. Mix the paid with the organic

Whatever you do, don’t focus solely on your paid marketing campaigns. To maximize your chances of success, you should ideally integrate or combine both your organic and paid marketing efforts. By doing this, you’ll reach a wider audience – getting higher quality engagement from a larger, but still highly-targeted, audience.
6. Don’t stop testing

Once you set up your campaign. Don’t forget about it. You need to keep on testing. Running a CPC campaign requires continued testing and optimization. So try out various keywords and different ad copy, as well as other bidding strategies and landing pages. And see how you do! Refresh your ad to sustain campaign performance and help improve ROI.
So, there you have it. Six super useful paid marketing tips for continued CPC campaign success for your web hosting business.
Test them out. Then let us know how you get on in the comments below.
hi Rubina,
this will have any integration with panel plesk or its just a tip for marketing?
hey Felipe, these are just tips from the Plesk Partner Success Team 🙂