
How to upload a Plesk xml.tar/ backup file to the Backup Manager


How to upload a Plesk xml.tar/ backup file to the Backup Manager?


Note: The maximum size of an uploaded backup file is limited to 2Gb. If a backup file size is larger than 2Gb, upload this backup file using the command-line instructions.
If the backup file was created for a specific subscription only, the subscription must be created before uploading Plesk xml.tar/ backup file.


Uploading a backup via Plesk (up to 2Gb)


  1. Log in to Plesk.

  2. Go to:

    • Tools & Settings > Backup Manager for Plesk administrators/resellers
    • Websites & Domains > > Backup Manager for Plesk customers
  3. Click Upload.

  4. Click Browse... and select a backup file to upload.

    Note: Select the option Upload backup files without a valid signature, if the backup file was created on another Plesk server.

  5. If the backup is protected by a password, specify it. If not or the password is unknown - clear the checkbox Use password protection (recommended).

    Note: If a subscription backup has been restored via Tools & Settings > Backup Manager, it will become available at Domains > > Backup Manager.


Uploading a backup via a command-line interface


  • For Linux

    1. Connect to a Plesk server where a Plesk backup should be restored via SSH.

    2. Transfer the backup file (should look like backup_info_XXXXXXXXXX.xml.tar) to this server (for example, via an FTP client).

    3. Run the following command to import the uploaded file to the Plesk Backup Manager. Replace /path/to/file.xml.tar with an actual path:

      Note: If this is a multivolume backup consisting of several files (.tar, .tar1, .tar2, etc.), add the option "--join-volumes" at the end of the command.

      # plesk sbin pmm-ras --import-file-as-dump --dump-file-specification /path/to/file.xml.tar

      • If the backup is password protected, use the following command:

        # PLESK_BACKUP_PASSWORD="yourpassword" plesk sbin pmm-ras --import-file-as-dump --dump-file-specification /path/to/file.xml.tar

    4. In Plesk, go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager and find the backup that has been uploaded.


  • For Windows Server

    1. Connect to a Plesk server where a Plesk backup should be restored via RDP.

    2. Transfer the backup file (should look like to the server (for example, via an FTP client or RDP connection).
    3. Start a command prompt as an Administrator and run the following command to import the uploaded backup file to the Plesk Backup Manager. Replace /path/to/ with an actual path:

      Note: If this is a multivolume backup consisting of several files (.tar, .tar1, .tar2, etc.), add the option "--join-volumes" at the end of the command.

      C:> plesk sbin pmm-ras --import-file-as-dump --dump-file-specification /path/to/

    4. In Plesk, go to Tools & Settings > Backup Manager and find the backup that has been uploaded.


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