
How to change webmail type for all domains in Plesk?

How to change webmail type for all domains on the server?


Perform steps described below depending on used OS

For Plesk for Windows:

  1. Login to the server via RDP.

  2. Dump the list of domains:

    C:> plesk db -Ne "select name from domains" > C:domains.txt

  3. Go to CLI directory:

    C:> cd "%plesk_cli%"

  4. Update all domains to use Horde:

    C:> for /f "tokens=*" %d in ('type C:domains.txt') do plesk bin subscription_settings -u %d -webmail horde

    Note: The available options are:
    horde - Horde Webmail
    mewebmail - MailEnable Webmail
    smwebmail - SmarterMail Webmail.
    none -  Without webmail.

For Plesk for Linux: 

  1. Login to the server via SSH as root.

  2. Create a file with below script to switch webmail for all domains to Horde:

    # cat
    for d in `plesk db -Ne "select name from domains"`
    plesk bin subscription_settings -u "$d" -webmail horde

    Note: The available options are:
    roundcube - RoundCube webmail
    horde - Horde webmail 
    sogo_sogo - SOGo webmail
    none - Without webmail.

  3. Change permissions:

    # chmod +x

  4. Execute script:

    # ./



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