
WP Toolkit – Securing WordPress

WP Toolkit can enhance the security of WordPress installations (for
example, by turning off XML-RPC pingbacks, checking the security of
the wp-content folder, and so on).

We call individual improvements you can make to the installation’s security
“measures”. We consider certain measures to be critical. For that
reason, WP Toolkit applies them automatically to all newly
created installations.

On the installation’s card next to “Security”, you can see the following security messages:

Note: Some security measures, once applied, can be reverted. Some
cannot. We recommend that you back up a WordPress installation
before securing it.

You can secure WordPress installations individually or multiple installations at
a time.

To secure an individual WordPress installation:

  1. Go to WordPress, choose the installation you want to secure, and then, on the installation card,
    click the message next to “Security” (for example, “Fix security”).
  2. Wait for WP Toolkit to display the security measures you can
  3. Select the security measures you want to apply, and then click

All selected measures will be applied.

To secure multiple WordPress installations:

  1. Go to WordPress and then click Security.
  2. You will see the list of your WordPress installations. For every
    installation, you can see how many critical (indicated by the
    icon) and recommended (the <img src="image/png;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAD/ACwAAAAAAQABAAACADs=" data-default-src="/en-US/obsidian/reseller-guide/images/79671.png" data-webp-src="/en-US/obsidian/reseller-guide/images/79671.webp" data-webp-srcset="/en-US/obsidian/reseller-guide/images/79671-480w.webp 480w, /en-US/obsidian/reseller-guide/images/79671.webp 900w" data-sizes="(max-width: 600px) 480px, 900px" loading="lazy" alt="image 79671" vspace="0" hspace="0"…