Custom rules and policies are defined in a file of XML format. Using
this file, you can define how a particular conflict or all conflicts of
a particular type should be resolved. The XML file contains two main
sections: for policies and (optionally) for rules. The format of each
section is described below.
The file should be structured as follows.

Required. Document root element. policy
- Required. Contains the policy descriptions. Child elements, if
present, must be placed in the order shown on the scheme.-
Optional. Contains a description of the policy on resolving timing
conflicts. See the structure below.
Must be present in the document if a timing policy should be
used during the restore.
May not be present in the document if no policy is required for
timing conflicts. -
Optional. Contains a description of the policy on resolving
resource usage conflicts. See the structure below.
Must be present in the document if a resource usage policy
should be used during the restore.
May not be present in the document if no policy is required for
resource usage conflicts. -
Optional. Contains a description of the policy on resolving
configuration conflicts. See the structure below.
Must be present in the document if a configuration policy should
be used during the restore.
May not be present in the document if no policy is required for
configuration conflicts.
Optional. Contains the rule descriptions. For details on the node
structure, refer to the Rules section below.
The policy elements have the same structure:
<img src="image/png;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAD/ACwAAAAAAQABAAACADs=" data-default-src="/en-US/obsidian/advanced-administration-guide-linux/images/62553.png" data-webp-src="/en-US/obsidian/advanced-administration-guide-linux/images/62553.webp" data-webp-srcset="/en-US/obsidian/…