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Limit access to your hosting by country or bot

The Deny-country plugin allows you to limit general access to your website or to a specific file by the countries you choose. You can also limit bot access. The plugin acts on the files managed by apache (it will not limit files served by nginx).

How the plugin works:

  • It is necessary to make some previous adjustments in the server to obtain geolocated logs :
  • The plugin makes changes to the htaccess itself. Every time you make a change, you have the option to automatically backup your current htaccess to go back if you have a malfunction.
  • In the htaccess file section, you can restore a file from a previous copy, you can also rebuild your plugin’s domain database.
  • The plugin allows you 3 sections, the first allows you to manage global access to your accommodation by country, the second allows you to limit access to certain files and by country, finally, the last section allows you to deny access to certain bots.

Install Deny-country extension

Hostname or IP or URL of your Plesk instance:

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