
The Apache service does not start: Failed to configure certificate: ca md too weak



A domain's certificate CA is too old and has weak encryption. If it's unclear which exact domain has an outdated certificate, use the following command:

# grep -rl scf28bccT /var/www/vhosts/system/

Note: "scf28bccT" is the certificate's file name from the error message


Contact the certificate's vendor in order to update the CA certificate.


  1. Issue a free Let's Encrypt certificate for the affected domain and replace the current certificate:
    How to install an SSL certificate for a domain in Plesk (Let's Encrypt / other certificate authorities)
  2. Alternatively, disable SSL support for the domain:
    1. Log in to Plesk
    2. Navigate to Domains > > Hosting Settings
    3. Uncheck the SSL/TLS Support option and click OK/Apply to save the changes
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