
How to replace an SPF record for all domains?

How to update an SPF record for all domains that already have a particular record?


Note: it is necessary to delete existing SPF DNS records before creating new ones via CLI.

It may take considerable time to apply the changes even for a single domain.

Plesk for Windows

  1. Connect to the server via RDP

  2. From a Command Prompt (cmd) create a list of all domains that contain a specific SPF record, e.g. specific_record:

    C:> plesk db -Ne "SELECT FROM domains AS d, dns_zone AS z, dns_recs AS r WHERE AND AND r.type='txt' AND val LIKE '%specific_record%';" > domains.txt

  3. Delete all SPF records containing the specific_record value from the list of domains:

    C:> for /f %i in (domains.txt) do "%plesk_cli%dns.exe" -d %i -txt "specific_record"

    If the following output is received for some line, safely ignore it:

    Unable to del record in DNS server: unable to find DNS record

  4. Create new SPF records for domains in the same list, e.g. new_spf_record:

    C:> for /f %i in (domains.txt) do "%plesk_cli%dns.exe" -a %i -txt "new_spf_record"

Plesk for Linux

  1. Connect to the server via SSH;

  2. Create a list of domains:

    # plesk bin domain --list > domains.txt

  3. Remove all specific SPF records (e.g. "specific record") from ALL domains:

    # for i in $(cat domains.txt); do plesk bin dns -d $i -txt "specific record"; done

  4. Add the new SPF record (e.g. "new spf record") as follows:

    # for i in $(cat domains.txt); do plesk bin dns -a $i -txt "new spf record"; done

Additional information

DNS Zones on Domains: dns.exe

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