
How to enable/disable SELinux on a server


How to disable SELinux on a server?



Enabling/disabling SELinux temporarily


To temporary change SELinux mode on a server (until next server reboot if not changed back manually), use the setenforce command with the parameters 0 (permissive mode) and 1 (enforcing mode):

  • permissive (option 0) - The SELinux system prints warnings, but does not enforce policy. Commonly used for troubleshooting.

  • enforcing (option 1) - The SELinux security policy is enforced.


    To change SELinux mode to "permissive"

    1. Connect to a server via SSH.

    2. Run the command:

      # setenforce 0

    3. Check the current status of SELinux:

      # sestatus | grep "Current mode"
      Current mode: permissive


    To set SELinux back to "enforcing", run

    # setenforce 1


Enabling/disabling SELinux permanently


  1. Connect to a server via SSH.

  2. Open the file /etc/selinux/config in any text editor. In this example, we are using the vi utility:

    # vi /etc/selinux/config

  3. Change the SELINUX value to:

    • disabled to completely turn off SELinux on the server:


    • permissive to make SELinux print warnings instead of enforce security policy:


    • enforcing to make SELinux security policy enforced:


  4. Save the changes and close the file.

  5. Restart the server to apply the changes.

  6. Check the permanent status of SELinux:

    # sestatus | grep "Mode from config file"
    Mode from config file: permissive