
How to apply PHP-FPM pool settings for all domains in Plesk?


How to apply PHP-FPM pool settings for all domains in Plesk?


Note: the functionality to configure global PHP FPM settings on a server-wide level is not implemented in Plesk.
Take part in our product improvement and vote for this feature on Plesk UserVoice.
The top-ranked suggestions are likely to be included in the next versions of Plesk.

As a workaround apply one of the solutions below:

Warning: the significant increase of thepm.max_children parameter can affect server performance.

The solution for Plesk servers with 17.5.30 MU#32 version and above 

Note: after applying the steps below, the PHP-FPM settings will be changed for all domains of the required Service Plan.

  1. Log into Plesk.
  2. Go to Service Plans > Hosting Plans > Service_Plan_Name > PHP Settings.
  3. Set the required values in the PHP-FPM settings section:
  4. Scroll down and press the Update & Sync button to apply changes.

The solution for Plesk servers with versions below than 17.5.3 MU#32

Warning: The PHP-FPM settings adjusted with the script below will not be reflected in Plesk GUI.
The solution below should be applied ONLY if the Plesk upgrade to a higher version is not possible.

  1. Log into the server via SSH.

  2. Download the script by executing the command below:

    # wget

  3. Unpack the downloaded script:

    # tar -xvzf update_pm.max_children.tar.gz

  4. Execute the command below to run the script:

    # ./