
notification.exe: E-mail Notification About System Events

The notification.exe utility is used for configuring automatic
sending of e-mail notices on system events.




notification.exe <command>
<option 1> <param> [<option 2> <param>] ... [<option N> <param>]


The following command configures Plesk to notify the server
administrator when a new customer account is created:

plesk bin notification.exe --update -code client_creation -send2admin true


Command Parameter Description Example
--update or -u -code <event code> Updates automatic notification settings for a specific event.
The available codes are provided in the Supported notification
table below.

To configure Plesk to notify the server administrator when a
new customer account is created:

plesk bin notification.exe --update -code client_creation -send2admin true

--expiration <number of days> By default, Plesk is configured to send subscription expiration
warnings 10 days in advance. You can adjust this setting with
the --expiration command.

To set the number of days for sending the expiration warnings
5 days in advance:

plesk bin notification.exe --expiration 5