How does mail autodiscover work in Plesk?
Mail Autodiscover automatically configures mail clients, simplifying email setup for users on both desktop and mobile platforms.
Note: Mail Autodiscover doesn't work on forwarders or domains without web hosting. This will be implemented in future updates.
There are 4 main phases in the mail autodiscover process, where the client communicates back and forth with the server.
The mailbox is added to a mail client, such as Outlook, Thunderbird, or Apple Mail
The mail client sends an autodiscover request to the domain. These are the request details for common mail clients:
Client Type Target Outlook POST HTTP https://<domain>/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
Thunderbird GET HTTP https://<domain>/mail/config-v1.1.xml?emailaddress=<address>
Apple Mail GET HTTP https://<domain>/email.mobileconfig?emailaddress=<address>
Plesk generates an XML response with connection details such as available protocols and authentication methods
The mail client configures the account using these details
For more information about this feature, see our mail autodiscover management guide and related documentation.